Managing Money in Your Business – December Cohort


Virtual Program: December 3,5,10,12 (6 PM -7:30 PM)

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of being ready for opportunities when they arise. Whether you are looking to apply for a loan, grant, or credit line, having a good handle on your numbers increases your chances of approval and favorable terms.

In this interactive virtual 4-session course, you will: 

  • Learn to track the money coming in and going out to know when you have extra cash or need more.
  • Learn how to read your financial statements, so you can improve the profitability of your business.
  • Understand the lending process and how lenders view your company financially.
  • Understand the role of personal and business credit, how to build and maintain them, and how to handle credit issues.

Opportunity to receive free individualized credit counseling upon completion of the course. 

Free to attend. Advance registration is required. If someone referred you to attend, please let us know in the “Referral From” section so we can thank them for helping us connect!

Registration is closed.