Valeria G. Bisceglia
Education & Training Programs Advisor
Valeria is an advocate for efficiency, streamlining, and building positive cultures that enrich the business environment. As a strategist, she is a trusted advisor and go-to-resource in the community, helping businesses build their capacity for sustainable growth by encouraging the creation and support of viable organizational practices.
Working with small business owners for over 16 years across a wide variety of industries, including food & restaurant, retail, manufacturing, technology, and construction, among others, she believes in the importance of research and big-picture thinking that lead to realistic goals, with short-term and long-term plans that help make them a reality.
An educator at heart and adjunct professor at a local university, Valeria develops training courses, webinars, and various informational documents and worksheets to support new entrepreneurs and savvy business owners in the neverending learning adventure that is entrepreneurship.
Valeria has a degree in Business Management Studies from the University of Cambridge, a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge, and a Master’s in Business Administration from New York University’s Stern School of Business, with a concentration in Social Innovation and Impact. Valeria has been recognized as a thought leader in Social Entrepreneurship and has been awarded for her efforts in Sustainable Development in third-world countries.