Pushing wheelchairs is easier than ever!
Are you one of those who usually pushes a wheelchair? Are you suffering from neck problems? Matthew Quinn, President of Greenmont Healthcare Products LLC, had the same issue. Matthew developed a convenient and affordable solution -the Easy Pushbar- that makes pushing a wheelchair easier and less impactful for the person doing the pushing.

Revenue Growth
29.5% Year-over-Year

Increase in Exports
Additional Presence in +3 Countries

Matthew Quinn, Founder
“Easy Pushbar” is a redesigned and improved push bar for wheelchairs by Mathew. It is ergonomic, which allows you to stand straighter, a better control, reduces your shoulder-neck pain, and fits easily and secures quickly on your standard manual wheelchairs with just a few quick turns, and there is more! Your hands won’t be tied up anymore, the “EasyPushbar” allows you to have one free hand to speak on the phone, roll a suitcase, and even carry a grocery bag, and it is adjustable!
Mathew realized that he needed some guidance to expand his promising business and reach more customers in the U.S. and internationally. After attending a webinar CTSBDC hosted on COVID-19 emergency financing for business, Matthew decided to register for advising assistance from CTSBDC.
Best Service Provided!
CTSBDC Business Advisor Michelle Ouimette started working with Matthew to support his business with COVID-related needs. When he expressed a need for help selling "Easy Pushbar" overseas, Michelle turned to CTSBDC’s NASBITE-certified trade advisor, Denise Whitford, for help. Denise immediately understood the opportunity and quickly connected Matthew with federal and other resources to address some of the questions associated with selling Matthew’s product in Europe.
Matthew’s experience with Denise has been fantastic, he says. “I have enjoyed every meeting I have had with Denise; her mind is constantly going over things that can move us forward”. He also feels blessed for having her onboard.
It's a Reality Now!
Matthew highlights that “the company has been able to connect with top quality companies, gauging when to enter other markets, and needed requirements to enter those markets.”
Greenmont Healthcare Products LLC increased its sales by over 20% in 2022, expanded its networking in other countries, and created a newer model for use by Veteran service organizations. Kudos to Matthew and his team!